Sunday 3 March 2013

Is he tired?

If i had a penny for every time i heard this, i would be a rich woman, ok maybe not rich as i would like, as i would have to share it with Brady, as i am nice like that, but still, nice and comfortable.
So, why do i get asked this?
When we go out with Frankie you have to options, you haul his wheelchair out, or you cary him, now both are as much work as one another, the wheelchair is heavy and takes some putting together, Frankie is heavy and his body is far from all together.
Due to lack of head control he is floppy, a bit all over the place to say the least, but nevertheless he loves it when his Daddy scoops him up and puts him in his arms and Frankie's little face bops up and down on his shoulders. I am more swayed to using the wheelchair, as heavy as it is, its all in place and his feeding pump can be hooked on and the suction machine has an in built tray underneath, what more could a mummy of a disabled child want/need, its perfect, ok this mummy wouldn't say no to a new pair of shoes, but i hardly think the wheelchair service will :(
Frankie takes Baclofen , a muscle relaxant medication medication, via his g-tube, this can at times leave him a bit drowsy and hey, he isn't you average three year old with colour in their cheeks and all raged up because the have thrown a paddy, he is a mellow three year old who's only source of entertainment is what you show him.
Yes he often looks sleepy, yes when i am going around the supermarket and he is in his wheelchair and people say to me "Oh bless him, has he just woken up?" "Is he tired?" I just want to scream, what do you say, what would you say if it was you?
I have two options, "No actually he is disabled so he constantly looks this way" - which would spark off the questions, I haven't got time to stand at tell someone Frankies life story, food shopping is normally focused around Frankies feeds, appointments and when he is ok to travel, plus really, do they really care to know, did they just make that comment as i caught them staring at him? In those cases they want a simple "Yes" from me? They don't want to feel awkward for staring and normally want a swift exit. Luckily to save their embarrassment i give a simple "Yes" , unless you catch me on a bad day and then you may have you ear bitten off.
Knowing some people they probably take one look at him and think i keep him up all hours, allowing him to watch the tv, how wrong can they be!

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